Wake Up and drink:
Sleep promotes dehydration, so drink a glass of water before slurping your tea or coffee when you first wake up. Keep topping up your class throughout the day and aim for 1.5-2.5 litres.Go Bananas:
Bananas are perfect energy boosters, with only 99 calories and 0.1g fat. They make a great snack just before a high-energy workout as they help balance blood-sugar levels, plus this super food contains potassium which is great for preventing muscle cramps.
Sweet Treat:
If you really need a treat after dinner, swap high-sugar, fatty desserts for diet jelly with natural yoghurt.Cull soft drinks:
A study by researchers from the University of Texas found a 70 per cent increase in weight among people who drank soft drinks compared with those who didn't. Go without, and feel less bloated and gassy.
Opt for Wholefoods:
Eat more green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, spirulina, berries, dark chocolate (in small quantities), white tea, soybeans, flaxseeds, broccoli, cabbage, and Asian greens. They provide health-boosting phytonutrients.
Don't Forget Your D:
As well as building strong bones, vitamin D found in the sun is also found in foods, and can help regulate the immune system and modulate mood. Look for naturally occurring vitamin D3 in cod-liver oil, fish, oysters, cereal, eggs and mushrooms.
Resistance Training:
The more muscle you have, the more fat you can burn, so consider a weight-resistance class like BODYPUMP to keep you looking lean and mean.Be Intense:
High intensity exercise is the best weight-loss training tool. The longer it takes you to recover, the more weight loss you can achieve.
Mix It Up:
Don't be too hard on yourself if you feel results are taking a while to show. Your body takes about 5-6 weeks to adjust to a new exercise routine. Change the way you train every 6 weeks to see continued improvement and to surprise your body into making long-term changes.
Get a Massage:
The perfect treat instead of sugar, chips or booze at the end of the week, a remedial massage can increase circulation, loosen tight muscles, stimulate internal organs, and calm the nervous system. Great for a reward after a hard week of training.