
Tips for Successful Blog

With so many amazing arts, heritage and creative blogs out there already, how do you make yours stand out? How do you get people returning for more, and how do you increase visitor numbers and build a loyal following?
There are plenty of tips and tricks to get your own creative blog rocking and therefore raising your profile and helping you to win more business. Here's my top 19 tips for a successful creative blog, but if you can think of any more, please comment below and help me make this the best list on the web................{Read More}

Top 10 Tips For Blogging

 Blogging is a great tool for writing, sharing news and photos or art and just generally reaching out to the nameless ranks of people combing the internet every day in search of news and entertainment..............{Read More}

Top 6 Reasons why Blogs Fail and What to be Done About It

Why do some blogs thrive and others fail? Do you blog? Have you been working hard to build a loyal following for your business, but it’s just not happening for you?
The good news is you’re not alone. Most blogs don’t get the traffic or the attention they desire.
What follows are the top mistakes made by bloggers (and how to fix them)..................{Read More}

 6 Things That Blogging Can Do For You

The other day I was asked why do you blog? Of course I answered why not? But it got me thinking... why do people blog?
Everyone has their own personal motivation, whether it's to log their list of eateries and food they've devoured, record their opinions on world events or even for therapeutic reasons. Either way, blogging can bring good things to those who practice it. Based on my experience and observations within an industry which thrives on hearing what other people have to say, I've listed six things that blogging can do for you....................{Read More}
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